Inventory management may be a time consuming process. To make it easier and and simplify creating filters, you can use product tags.
Adding a new product to the inventory you are able to customize first product tags. Afterward, you can add and edit them in the following ways.
Click the [Inventory] in the top menu and choose [Inventory] in the sub-menu to open the inventory list.
Tick the check-boxes in the lines with the requisite products and click the [Add tags] icon.
Enter a new tag in the text-field and press the [Enter] key to add the tag.
There are few other methods to add a tag to the particular product. You may choose one of the ways below.
You can use the guidance above, but instead of a few tick one requisite item and repeat all other steps.
Click the [Three Dots] icon in the line with the requisite item and choose [Tags].
Then enter a new tag in the text-field and press the [Enter] key to add the tag. Afterward, click [Save] to confirm changes or [Cancel] to reject.
Go to the”Edit Product” page and put the cursor in the “Tag” field in the the left side of the page.
Enter a new tag and press the [Enter] key to add a new tag.
To delete a tag, сlick the [Close] icon on the selected tab. Or you may choose the tab with the cursor and press the [Backspace] key.
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