

In this chapter you can find detailed information about category management.

Categorizing items makes your product management and search easier. To go to the “Categories” page, click [Inventory] in the top menu list and choose [Manage Categories] in the sub-menu.

Manage Categories

Create New Category #

To create a new category, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the name of the new category in the “Add Category” field. Category name contains no Cyrillic characters and can not be more than 24 characters.
  2. New Category

  3. After that, you have to sub-categorize a new category as a root or sub category:
    • To create a new root category, click the [Dropdown] icon and choose [Root Category].
    • To create a new subcategory, click the [Dropdown] icon and choose the root category to which sub-categorize the new subcategory.
  4. category

  5. Click [Add Category] to create the new category.
  6. Add Category

  7. If adding a category is successful, you get a notification.

Edit Category #

To edit a product category, click the [Edit] icon in the row with the needed category from the categories list.

Edit Category

To open a category tree, click the root category name or the [Dropdown] icon and choose the needed subcategory.

Edit the category name in the “Category Name” field.

To save the category as a root category, click the [Dropdown] icon and choose [Root Category] or to save it as a subcategory, choose the root/subcategory to which categorize the current category.



To apply changes, click [Save] and to discard changes, click [Cancel].
If editing is successful, you get a notification.

Delete Category #

To delete a category, click the [Delete] icon in the line with the requisite category from the categories list.

Delete Category

To open a category tree, click the root category name or the [Dropdown] icon and choose the needed subcategory.

If you delete the root category, you will delete all subcategories in the current root category. All items from the deleted category become uncategorized.

To confirm, click [Delete] or [Cancel] to abolish in the “Confirm Delete” window.

If delete process is successful, you get a notification.

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