

Add Product #

To add simple product, click [Inventory] in the top menu list and choose [Inventory] in the sub-menu. Afterward, click the [Add Product] button in the top right corner.


Fast Add Product #

Video tutorial:

To save your time, you may use “Fast Add Product”. The “Fast Add Product” feature helps you to get the information about the product filled in automatically. The details you have to specify by yourself are “Product Description”, “SKU”, “Category”, “Condition”, and “Quantity”. “Fast Add Product” is available at the top of the “Add Product” page.

add product

You can find products by the product identifier (ASIN or any other) or key words from the product name.To start the search by the key words, enter them in the textfield and click the [Search] icon or press [Enter] on the keyboard.

fast add product

To start the search by the product identifier, firstly click the [Dropdown] icon and pick the identifier. Then type the correct identifier in the textfield and click the [Search] icon or press [Enter] on the keyboard.

fast add product

Note! Not to specify the particular product identifier, choose “Search”.

Afterward, pick the item from the displayed list by clicking [Choose] in the line of the needed product.

fast add product

Then you have to enter the info in the “Product Description”, “SKU”, “Category”, “Condition”, and “Quantity” textfields. All other details are filled in automatically.

fast add product sku

Also, you can edit the image and the information in the fields which were specified automatically:

  • Product Name
  • Brand
  • Manufacturer
  • Price
  • Add Product Identifier
  • Tags
  • Package Dimensions
  • Measurement Units
  • Package Weight

For detailed information on how to fill in the product details, check the “Add Product Manually” section.

Having specified the product information, click [Save Product] to add a new product to the inventory or [Cancel] not to add the new item. If the new product is added to the inventory, you receive the “Success!” notification.

Add Product Manually #

Unless you use the “Fast Add Product” feature, you can add a new item manually by filling in all the details step by step.

You have to specify the following information in the “Add Product” page:

  1. Product Name*
  2. Product Description
  3. Image
  4. SKU* (Stock keeping unit)
  5. Brand
  6. Manufacturer
  7. Category
  8. Condition
  9. Price*
  10. Quantity*
  11. Product Identifier
  12. Tags
  13. Package Dimensions (length, width and height)
  14. Measurement Units
  15. Package Weight
All fields marked with an asterisk [*] are required to be filled in.

You have to perform the steps below to fill in the “Add Product” form properly.

  1. In the “Product Name”* field type the product name. Product name must not be more than 255 characters.
  2. In the “Product Description” field add short or extended product description as you want it to be specified in the store. Product description must not be more than 512000 characters.
  3. product page

  4. Next you can add the image of the new product. Click the [Add Image] icon and pick the image to upload.
  5. add image

    To delete the current image, click the [Close] icon in the top right corner of the image. Use [Left] and [Right] arrows to check the uploaded images.

  6. Enter SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) identifier in the “SKU”* field.
  7. sku

  8. Enter the brand of the product in the “Brand” field .
  9. Specify the manufacturer in the “Manufacturer” field.
  10. brand

  11. To set the category, click the [Dropdown] icon in the “Category” field and choose the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. (To get more information on how to manage categories, click here.)
  12. category

    Not to specify a product category, choose “Uncategorize”.

  13. Click the [Dropdown] icon in the “Condition” field. Choose the product condition from the dropdown menu. To not set product condition choose “Unspecified”.
  14. condition

  15. Enter the price for one unit in the “Price”* field. Price should be indicated in USD currency.
  16. Specify the exact amount of the units in the “Quantity”* field.
  17. price

  18. To add more product identifiers, click the [Dropdown] icon and choose the identifier from the dropdown menu. Click the [Add Identifier] button to create a new identifier field.
  19. Identifier

    Then enter the appropriate product code in the identifier field.
    identifier field

  20. To facilitate search inventory process, add special product tags.
  21. Fill in a new tag in the “Tag” field. One tag can not be longer than 16 characters. Press the [Enter] key to create new tab. To add more tabs, repeat the previous step and confirm [Enter]. You are able to create up to ten tags for each product.


    To delete tab, click the [Close] icon on the selected tab or highlight tab with the cursor and press the [Backspace] key.

  22. Fill in the package length, width and height in the “Package Dimensions” fields.
  23. To specify measurement units, click the [Dropdown] icon of the “Measurement units” box and choose the measurement units from the dropdown menu.
  24. Measurement units different from inches are converted into inches
    package dimensions

  25. Enter package weight in the “Package Weight” field.
  26. To set the units of weight, click the [Dropdown] icon of the “Unit of Weight” field and choose the units of weight from the drop-down menu.

    Units of weight different from pounds are converted into pounds.
    product weight

Click [Save Product] to confirm product specification, or click [Cancel] to discard product information filled in the “Add Product” form.

Edit Product #

In the line with the requisite product click the [Three Dots] icon and choose [Edit].

edit product

Product Info #

To change the main product information, go to the “Product Info” tab.

edit product

Here you can edit:

  1. Product Name*
  2. Product Description
  3. Category
  4. Condition
  5. Brand
  6. Manufacturer
  7. Add and delete Product Identifiers
  8. Package Dimensions (length, width and height)
  9. Measurement units
  10. Package Weight
  11. Unit of Weight
  12. Price*
edit product


edit product

SKU is the only identifier you can not change.

To update package dimensions on the linked listings, tick the line “Also update package dimensions on the linked listings”.


Click [Save Product] to save changes or click [Return to Inventory] to discard all changes. If editing process is successful, you get a notification.

Click [Inventory] on the top of the page and click on a product.

In the right top corner of the tags section move the cursor on the [Add note] icon. Click it. Write a note in a pop-up window. In the top right corner press the [Save] button.

Add Note

Second way to add note: In the top right corner of the [Add Product] page move the cursor on the [Add Note] icon. Click it. Write your note in a pop-up window.

add note to product

To see your added note go back to the [Inventory] tab. Move the cursor to the image of the product you added the note to. Next to the image you will see the [Note] icon.

Listing Tab #

Linked listings to the appropriate inventory are presented on the [Listing Tab]. You can see Listings Status, Channel, Quantity, Price, Marketplace SKU.

listing tab

The checkboxes of the Price and Quantity are managed according to the settings of Inventory and Price Controls. However, if they are disabled or you need to change the price or the quantity for a specific Listing, you need to go to the [Listings] tab.

Linked Listings

In the [Price Sync] or [QTY Sync] column move the cursor on the checkbox and disable it.

If you disable the [Price Sync] checkbox or the [QTY Sync] checkbox, the rules or settings for Price control or Inventory Control won’t work for this Listing.

Click in the [Price] or [QTY] column on the textfield and edit it. In the top right corner press the [Save] button to save the changes.

publish linked listings

If you edit the price or quantity for a few products and want to publish your changes on the Marketplace immediately, move the cursor on the top checkbox to enable all the products. In the top right corner click the [Publish] icon.

If you want to publish changes for one product, move your cursor on the correct checkbox, enable it and click the [Publish] icon.

To publish the changes you can also go to the [Listings] tab, click on the product and press [Save and Publish] button in the top right corner.

Duplicating Product #

You may add products manually via the [Add Product] button or import them from CSV or Excel files. Also, you can use duplicating to create products with the similar descriptions and specifications.

To duplicate the item, click [Inventory] in the top menu list and choose [Inventory] in the sub-menu to open the inventory list of the products.


Scroll the list and click the [Three Dots] icon in the line with the requisite item. Then choose [Duplicate].

Duplicating Product


Go to the “Edit Product” page of the item you want to duplicate and click the [Duplicate] icon.


Afterward, you have to specify the following information:

  1. SKU identifier
  2. Quantity
  3. Price

Click [Save] to confirm duplicating or [Cancel] to reject.
If duplicating is successful, you get a notification.

Categorize Product #

To start categorizing, click the [Inventory] in the top menu and choose [Inventory] in the sub-menu to open the inventory list.

Categorize One Product #

You are able to categorize one item by ticking its checkbox and clicking the [Categorize] icon at the top.



To categorize one product in another way, click the [Three Dots] icon and choose [Categorize].


  1. Category

    To uncategorize the chosen product, pick [Uncategorized] option from the list.

  2. Category
    New Category

    To move products to the new category, choose [New Category]. Click here to get know how to create a new category

  3. Category
    Selected from existed

    3. To move items to already existed category, choose the [Select from existed] option

If you choose the third option, you have to follow the next steps:

Click the [Dropdown] icon to choose the needed category from the existed categories list.


Bulk Categorization #

To categorize the items in bulk, tick the check-boxes of the requisite products and click the [Categorize] icon.

Bulk Categorizatio

You may use “Filter Products” or “Search Inventory” to display items for some particular identifier(s) and then tick the required ones. To choose all items, tick the top checkbox above the inventory list.
Bulk Categorizatio

  1. Category

    To uncategorize the chosen product, pick [Uncategorized] option from the list.

  2. Category
    New Category

    To move products to the new category, choose [New Category]. Click here to get know how to create a new category

  3. Category
    Selected from existed

    3. To move items to already existed category, choose the [Select from existed] option

If you choose the third option, you have to follow the next steps:

Click the [Dropdown] icon to choose the needed category from the existed categories list.


Add Image #

To add, delete or change the product image, go to the “Images” tab.

Add Image

Click [Add] icon to add a new image.

add image

To upload a new image from your computer, select it and click [Open]. You can upload JPG, JPEG, PNG or GIF files with size less than 5MB.

add image

To add more images, repeat the previous steps. You can add up to ten images for each item. Drag and drop images to change their order.

You can delete the current image by clicking the [Close] icon in the top right corner above the image.To update product information in the linked listings, tick [Also update linked listings].

add image

Click [Save changes] to save images, or click [Return to Inventory] to not save new images and return to “INVENTORY”.

Delete Product #

To delete more than one item, tick the check-boxes of the requisite products and click the [Delete] icon above the inventory list.

delete product

You may use “Filter Products” or “Search Inventory” to display items for some particular identifier(s) and after tick the required ones. To choose all items, tick the top checkbox in above the inventory list.
delete product

Afterward, click [Delete] to confirm or [Cancel] to reject the deleting process.

To delete one product, you may use the guidance above, but instead of a few, tick one requisite product and follow all other steps.


To delete one product from the inventory list, click the [Three Dots] icon and chose [Delete].

Afterward, click [Delete] to confirm or [Cancel] to reject the deleting process.

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