
Filter & Search Orders

Filter Orders #

To hasten orders management, you may use filters to sort orders by specific characteristics. You apply created filters for all orders tabs simultaneously.

Orders tabs before filters are applied.

Filter Orders

Orders tabs after filters have been applied.

Filter Orders

Create Filter #

To create a new filter, click [Filters] to the right above the listed items.

Filter Orders

Now you can customize a new filter according to your needs. You may filter orders with all or only one identifier.

You have to specify the following data in the “Filter Orders”:

  1. Channel
  2. Date from and date to
  3. Label

Filter Orders

  1. To set sales channel click [Dropdown] icon in the “Channel” box and choose the needed channel or channels from the list.

    To specify the channel where the orders were created, click the [Dropdown] icon in the “Channel” field and choose the needed channel or channels from the list.

    You can use one or several channels to create a filter.

    Filter Orders

    If you don’t want to specify channels, leave the “Channel” field unfilled.

    Filter Orders

    To delete the channel from the list, click the [Close] icon.

    Filter Orders

  2. Next, you have to set the date range: “Date From” and “Date To”.

    You can choose the date with a date-picker. To navigate, use the [Left] and [Right] arrows. Also, you can enter data manually in the date format MM/DD/YY, where MM — a month, DD — a day, and YY — a year.


    You can specify either “Date From” or “Date To”. You can fill in both or neither of them.

    Remember, “Date From” can’t be later than “Date To”.

    Filter Orders

  3. To set label identifier, click the [Dropdown] icon and choose the needed option from the list.

    Filter Orders

    Check the filled data and if everything is correct, click [Apply filter] or [Clear filter] to clear filled data and specify correct information to create the new filter.

    Filter Orders
    Filter Orders

    To close the “Filter Orders” window, click the [Close] icon in the top right corner.

    Filter Orders

Edit Filters #

To change data in the arranged filter, click [Filters] in the right corner above the displayed orders list and edit the required information in the “Filter Orders” window.

Edit Filters

To apply changes click [Apply filter] or [Clear filter] to delete filled data.

Edit Filters
Edit Filters

To exclude particular filter identifiers from the arranged filter, click the [Close] icon of the required identifiers on the panel above the displayed list.

You can remove all filter identifiers.

Edit Filters

If it is needed, click [More] to see all filter identifiers. To hide them, also click [More].

Edit Filters

Delete Filters #

To delete filter, click [Filters] in the right corner above the listing.

Delete Filters

Then click [Clear Filter] at the bottom of the “Filter Orders” window.

Delete Filters

Click the [Close] icon in the top right corner to close the “Filter Orders” window and return to the “Orders” page.

Delete Filters

To delete filters in another way, click all [Close] icons of filter identifiers on the panel above the displayed orders list.

You can delete all filter identifiers in this way.

Delete Filters

Search Orders #

“Search Orders” is another instrument to speed up the search of the orders. You can perform search by SellerSkills order ID, buyer name, marketplace order number, SKU identifier or name of the ordered items.

To start, put the cursor into the “Search Orders” field and enter the appropriate data.

Search Orders

To clear the “Search Orders” field, click the [Close] icon or highlight the text and press the [Backspace] or [Delete] keys.

Search Orders
Search Orders

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