There is already a list of the default box sizes and envelope in the “Box” tab. However, we suggest you to customize box settings, as they will be used within labels creating. Also, if the order consists of one item, the box will be picked automatically to speed up your order management.

Add New Box #

To create a new box, click the [New Box].

Next, you have to enter the name of the new box in the [Box Name] field.

Afterward, you should choose the measurement units: click the [Dropdown] icon and pick from the drop-down list.

Next, set the length, height and width values in the appropriate boxes.

To add the box, click [Save] or [Cancel] to get back to the current list.

Edit Box #

To start editing, click the [Edit] icon in the line with the needed box.

After that, you can change the required data in the [Edit Box] page:
  • Box Name;
  • Measurement Units;
  • Length;
  • Height;
  • Width.

To save changes, click [Save]. You get a “Success” notification if editing is successful.
Otherwise, click [Cancel] to back to the boxes list.

Delete Box #

To delete the box, click the [Delete] icon in the line with the required box.

Next, you have to confirm the deleting by clicking [Delete], or to abolish, click [Cancel] or the [Close] icon in the “Delete the Box” window.

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